Neil Richardson Publications
Code: 4004Chippy by Norman Kenyon. The author of 'I Belong to Bolton', tells the story from when in the year 1931 at the age of 14, and on his way home from work, his Father greeted him with the news that Mr Murgatroyd, a joiner and builder wanted to see him about a position as an apprentice joiner. He started the next Monday morning at the workshop in Nelson Street and was taught the rudiments of the trade. One of his first jobs was fixing a sign at W Priestley & Co in Woods Court. When the firm went bankrupt he tells of his search for another job at Trafford Park and was not successful. His next job was with a man called Harry Jackson a builder of houses and starting on Chorley New Road tells of his work with them. At the age of 17 he became a member of the Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers, Bolton 3rd Branch. He became a fully-fledged joiner August 1938. Throughout the book he mentions transport, visits to the local pub, cinema, family life, moving home, Service in the Royal Engineers, the Blitz World War Two. Burnden Park-Bolton Wanderers Football Ground’ etc.
Well illustrated with over 70 photographs of groups of people where he worked, family photographs, buildings, streets, etc. 48pp. A4.