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Index of Nuns
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Index of Nuns
The majority of the records in this Catholic Family History Society database relate to nuns who professed later than 1795 and thus usefully complements, rather than duplicates, the detailed study of the families of nuns of the English convents in exile 1600-1800, by Dr.Caroline Bowden et alia
This CD provides records of approximately 14,000 nuns. For each nun in the index the following facts may be available:
- Surname and Forename(s)
- Her Religious Order or Community
- Birthdate and Place
- Religious Name
- Family Place
- Names of her Father and Mother
- Dates and Place of Entry, Profession, Leaving and Death
The amount of information given varies and it is rare to find that all of these details are available for an individual
The data has been compiled over many years by members of the Catholic Family History Society and we are very grateful for their hard work and dedication to this project. A number of different sources have been used and these are:-
- Original archives, annals and published archive transcripts
- Monumental Inscriptions and Burial records
- Family supplied data
- Census / BMD records research
- Religious Order or Community website information
- Obituaries and ancillary information in obituaries of others and miscellaneous information from Order and Community archivists
It should be noted, however, that some orders did not contribute data.