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How to Discover your Family History using Free Resources

MLFHS Online Shop

How to Discover your Family History using Free Resources

A NEW publication from Family History Books - where the title says it all!

Family History Books is delighted to launch this new book to help researchers, especially those new to family history, to take their research back two hundred years or so at little or no cost!

There has been a gap in straightforward, practical reference books to assist those starting out on their family history journey which avoid the use of jargon or assumptions of prior knowledge.  This book plugs that gap!

Many setting out simply do not know where and how to start; this book solves that dilemma.  It also assures readers that the anticipated costs, particularly for online subscriptions, can be curtailed which is particularly relevant in today’s financial climate.

The book explores online free sources for birth, marriage, death and census records for England and Wales, and explains how to use them and understand the results.  It details how to safely purchase copy certificates direct from the registration service avoiding third-party suppliers. 

Each chapter concludes with practical exercises using the online resources explained.  The answers are included at the end of the book for checking the results; no cheating!

Even “old hands” may learn a trick or two from this book.

Large A4 format, 107 pages plus five pages for working notes.

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