Catholic Family History Society
Manchester, St. Mary's RC Church, Mulberry Street (Download)
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St. Mary's RC Church, Mulberry Street, Manchester
Baptisms 1794-1850, Marriages 1831-1836, Burials 1816-1825 & 1832-1837 plus a list of Parents, extracted from the Baptism Registers.
Please note: This is a large (1.8Gb) file.
`The Hidden Gem` Transcripts and Images. St. Mary`s is the oldest existing Catholic Church in Manchester and Salford. The Manchester Mission first began in 1773, in a room in Roman Entry (off High St.). In 1776, it moved to Rook Street Chapel (off Market St.). The Mission finally moved, in 1794, to Mulberry Street and remained on the same site, as a functioning parish church, to the present day. The Registers have been fully transcribed and, with the exception of the Marriages, are presented in Surname sorted order. Baptisms are contiguous from 1794-1850.
The Burial ground is under the floor of the church (now sealed). The Registers have a seven year gap, with a further 18 month break within the second register.
Legal marriages were not permitted here until 1837, but the Register records the Sacrament of Marriages for five years. In the absence of a full Marriage Register, there is a list of Parents, extracted from the five Baptism Registers and presented as two (father & mother) surname sorted tables. The Clergy are listed, with the date of first appearance in a register.
Published as Adobe Acrobat files by the Catholic Family History Society with the kind permission of the Parish Priest of St. Mary`s and the Archivist to the Diocese of Salford.