Pendleton, St. James’s (RC), Church Baptisms 1868-1922 (Download)
Code:Baptisms 1868-1922.
The new church of the Mother of God and St. James was largely the work of Fr.
Saffenreuter, who was appointed as the first Rector in 1870. The building, designed by Tijou of Manchester in the early English style, was opened in 1875 by Cardinal Manning,
who had visited Salford three years before for the consecration of Bishop Vaughan
Members of the Irish Branch of Manchester & Lancashire FHS have by kind permission of the Salford Diocese, transcribed details of the 12,533 baptisms recorded in the registers.
The transcript provides full details as contained in the register and is accompanied by an index to the 53,625 names of children, parents and godparents which appear in the register entries.
Also included are images of the original baptism registers.