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Brooks Bar, St. Alphonsus (RC) Baptisms 1904-1920 (Download)
Code:Members of the Irish Branch of Manchester & Lancashire FHS have by kind permission of the Salford Diocese, transcribed details of the 400 baptisms recorded in the registers.
The transcript provides full details as contained in the register and is accompanied by an index to the 1,735 names of children, parents and godparents which appear in the register entries.
Also included are images of the original baptism registers.
About this church
A procession from the mother parish of St. Wilfrid's to lay the foundation stone of the new school-chapel, gave the new parish a favourable start in 1903. There were at that time about 500 parishioners. Fr. Charles MacCarthy was made the first Rector and, until his death in 1930, helped to build up the parish. He was often helped in the Sunday duties by priests from the nearby St. Bede's College.
Fr. Joseph O'Donnell built the present very fine Gothic-inspired church, the work of E. Bower Norris and F. Reynolds. The church is one of several consecrated by the present Bishop. The parish has a relic of St. Alphonsus.
The above description is based on information published in "Salford Diocese and its Catholic past", a survey by Charles A. Bolton, a Priest of the above Diocese. Published 1950 on the First Centenary for the Diocese of Salford.